Sunday, June 3, 2012

Murder on the dance floor...

June 1st, 2012 Somewhere along the road to Salt Lake City, Utah.

"Te vas a comer eso?" (Are you gonna eat that?)

Jesus Rodriguez (AKA Ricardo Rodriguez) reached out and grabbed a hold of Alberto Rodriguez's bag of french fries, he shook his head.

Alberto Rodriguez: No dale, cometelas... Sabes que ando comiendo pocos carbohidratos últimamente. ( No, you can have them... You know I am running low on carbs and fats as of late.)

The two amigos had decided to head to the next EBWF Warfare event by car, taking a chance to know the country's roads and live like two regular people in the US would. They had stopped on the road, on one of those service stations with gas and a Wendy's... Both men sat on a table as they enjoyed a meal.

Alberto Rodriguez: Estas nervioso? (Are you nervous?)

Jesus Rodriguez: Nah, solo quería más papitas! (Nah, I just wanted some extra fries).

Alberto Rodriguez: Como está el brazo? (How's the arm?)

Jesus reached for his left deltoid muscle and rubbed it slowly.

Jesus Rodriguez: Estará bien, igual no es mucho lo que voy a hacer o si? (It'll be fine, after all I won't me doing much right?)

Alberto Rodriguez: Tienes razón! (You're right).

Jesus Rodriguez: Tu, estas nervioso? (How about you, are you nervous?)

Alberto Rodriguez: Me la estoy tomando suave mi buen. Tengo mi cheque mensual, tengo el poder creativo que siempre quise, estoy contando una historia... Que podría salir mal? (I am taking it one step at a time, my man. I have a monthly check, the creative power I always wanted, I am telling a story... What could possibly go wrong?)

Jesus shrugged.

Jesus Rodriguez: Todos quieren ganar el torneo del rey del cuadrilatero... Porque tu habrías de ser diferente? Dime la verdad, crees que tengas chances de ganarlo? (  Everyone wants to win the King of the Ring tournament... Why would you be any different? Tell me the truth, do you think you stand a chance?)

Alberto smiled.

Alberto Rodriguez: Te digo la verdad? Creo que mi futuro en la EBWF depende de todo esto que sucede con Kane... si la gente y el departamento de creatividad se la creen, yo seré el rey del cuadrilatero... Sabes, yo presiento que AJ Styles no será campeón después de Summerslam, este torneo fue  diseñado para llevar al ganador tan alto como sea posible... Tristemente el día de hoy yo no soy ese hombre. (To tell you the truth? I think my future in EBWF lays within the success of this whole story we're telling with Kane... If the people and creative believe and enjoy the story, I will be king of the ring... You know, I have a feeling AJ Styles will stop being the champion at Summerslam, this tournament was designed to push the winner all the way to the top... Sadly, today that man isn't me.)

Jesus Rodriguez: A que te refieres? (What do you mean?)

Alberto Rodriguez: Me refiero a que el departamento de creatividad se muere por poner a CM Punk en el evento estelar de Summerslam... (I mean that creative is dying to have CM Punk headline Summerslam).

Jesus Rodriguez: Es posible. (It's possible...)

Alberto Rodriguez: Es muy posible... Ya verás como le gana Cena, se libra de el y llega a las finales del rey del cuatrilatero... la EBWF está entusiasmadisima con CM Punk, mira que le dieron la portada de juego y todo... En vez de Darsela a AJ Styles por ejemplo, que ganó la batalla real y ganó en Wrestlemania. (It is very possible... You'll see how he beats Cena, gets rid of him and makes it to the finals of the King of the Ring tournament... EBWF is very high on CM Punk right now, they even gave thim the cover for the new game... Instead of giving it to AJ Styles, who won the Rumble and won at WrestleMania)).

Jesus Rodriguez: Todo parece planeado para que Punk sea el rey del verano (Everything seems planned so that Punk is the king of the summer...)

Alberto Rodriguez: No te desanimes chucho! Mira que AJ Styles seguro que no estaba destinado a ser parte del evento estelar de WrestleMania y con trabajo duro llegó hasta allá! (Don't feel down Chucho! Look, AJ Styles was less than likely to headline Wrestlemania, but he worked his ass off and got there!)

Jesus Rodriguez: Y? (So?)

Alberto Rodriguez: Pues que si contamos una buena historia e interesamos a los fans, los escritores no van a haber otra opción más que ponernos donde queremos! (So if we tell a good story and get people interested, writers will have no choice but to put us where we want!)

Jesus Rodriguez: Interesante... Te toca con Brodus Clay, verdad? (Interesting... So, you're up against Brodus Clay, right?)

Alberto Rodriguez: Si.

Jesus Rodriguez: Y no te da miedo? Ya sabes que dicen que el tipo es una demoledora, a poco y a veces se queda sin frenos! (And aren't you scared? You know they say the guy is a reckless wrecking machine whose brakes got cut off...)

Alberto Rodriguez: Yo confío en que el gringo este haya aprendido a ser un poco más cuidadoso no? Ya ha pasado tiempo.. (I trust this gringo has learnt how to be a bit more careful no? It's been a while since he debute anyway...)

Jesus Rodriguez: Y una lesión si que nos dañaría el caminado! (And an injury would really mess us up!)

Alberto Rodriguez: Callate los ojos chucho! (Shut your eyes up Chucho!)

Jesus Rodriguez: Si que me han gustado tus luchas Betico! eres bien rudo orale!!!! (I've really enjoyed your matches Betico! You're such a Heel orale!!!!)

Alberto Rodriguez: No has visto nada! (And you haven't seen anything yet...)

Jesus Rodriguez: Como no! Si me volviste añitos que día! (Haven't I? How about the other day when you broke me into pieces!). Oye Betico, sabes que pienso? (Hey Betico, want to know what I think?)

Alberto Rodriguez: Dimelo... (Tell me...)

Jesus Rodriguez: Que vas a ganar la proxima lucha! (That you'll win your next match!)

Alberto Rodriguez: Porque lo dices? (Why?)

Jesus Rodriguez: No sería justo que perdieras... Llevas ya rato compitiendo en la EBWF, no has perdido mucho últimamente, eres así el super rudo que destroza a todos con las artes marciales mixtas! Y Brodus es bueno, es fuerte y grande... Pero acabó de llegar! No sería lógico que te enterraran para que el ganara no? (It wouldn't be fair if you lost... You've been competing on EBWF for a while, you haven't lost as of late, you're this super heel who is kicking everyone's ass with MMA! Brodus is very good, he's big and strong... But he just arrived! It wouldn't be logical to have you buried for him to advance, would it?)

A small kid walked past the table with a tray on his hand, he stopped midway and noticed the two men, his eyes fixed on Del Rio. As Alberto turned and offered the kid a smile, he dropped the tray and rushed away.


Alberto sighed and smiled as the palm of his head rubbed his forehead.

Alberto Rodriguez: No se, yo ya no pienso en eso... Sabes? Dicen que Wes Ikeda se divierte mucho con el güerito ese del Funkusaurus... (I don't know, I try not to think about those things... Did you know Wes Ikeda is said to enjoy that Funkusaurus thing quite a lot?)

Jesus Rodriguez: Pues esperemos que eso no afecte el resultado de la lucha! (We can only hope it doesn't affect the outcome of the match)

Alberto Rodriguez: Yo no tengo muchas esperanzas de ganar eso sabes? Si le gano a Brodus, sabes a quien me toca enfrentar?  (I'm not to thrilled about winning the thing you know? If I beat Brodus, do you know who am I going to be up against next?)

Jesus Rodriguez: No, ni idea.

Alberto Rodriguez: Kane... No sería lógico que yo le ganara a Kane, sabiendo que soy su subordinado, que el es dueño del alma de Alberto del Rio... Así que si me toca contra el, a menos que algo extraordinario suceda, el debería ganar, siendo lógicos. (Kane... It wouldn't be logical for me to beat Kane, knowing I am his subordinate, knowing that Alberto del Rio's soul belongs to Kane... So, if I'm up against him, unless something extraordinary happens, he should win, following the logic.)

Jesus Rodriguez: Caramba, tienes razón. (Gee, you're right.)

Alberto Rodriguez: He pensado adelantar el climax de la historia con Kane... Pero primero hay que hablar con el y mirar que hacemos... (I've been thinking of fast forwarding to the climax of the story with Kane, but first we have to talk to him and see what we do...)

Jesus Rodriguez: Hablas de traerlo... a el? (Are you talking about bringing him in?)

Alberto Rodriguez: Pues, tal vez. (Well, maybe.)

Jesus Rodriguez: Sería buenisimo!!!! (That would be great!)

Alberto Rodriguez: Bueno, pues esperemos a ver que... (Well, let's see what happens...)

Jesus Rodriguez: Y tienes planes para el Lunes? (And... Do you have any plans for Monday night?)

Alberto Rodriguez: Si, tenemos un cuate de Salt Lake City que nos va a ayudar... (Yes, We have a guy from Salt Lake City who wants to help).

Alberto smiled and took a bite from his burger.

June 4th, 2012 - Energysolutions Arena, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Pyros went off from the ramp all the way through the corridor that led to the ring. Music blasted through the PA system and the fans were screaming their lungs out! The camera cut to the announcers' table where Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler sat comfortably with their head pieces.

Jim Ross: Salt Lake City, Utah, America! Welcome to Monday night Warfare! Tonight we will have the first round of our annual King of the Ring Tournament, alonside me Jerry "The King" Lawler.

Jerry Lawler: I can't wait for the action to begin JR! We have a whole bunch of matches tonight to decide who will advance on to the next round!

The scene shifted to a small diagram of the knockout stage with the face of each superstar participating on it.

Jim Ross: Tonight we'll see Carlito taking on the impressive Kurt Angle! But before... We have someone in the ring!

Jerry Lawler: Somebody tell that kid where the local library is!

The camera displayed a pastey white man standing in the middle of the ring, dressed in brown pants with the cut above the ankles, black suspenders and a white checkered button up shirt, a big, black bowtie adorning his neck. His hair gelled  up an a set of thick frame geeky glasses resting on the bridge of his nose. Two pens resting on his chest pocket. The tiny man waved nervously at the audience... Before taking out his asthma inhaler and taking a good couple of puffs from it.

Jobber: Ladies and gentlemen, I come all the way from New York with a dream... I always wanted to be a wrestler! Every night before I go to sleep I ask for it in my prayers... I want to wake up and be like Hogan or Jericho! My name is Francis Kipland Stevens III, and I am out here because I want to participate in the King of the Ring Tournament!

Jerry Lawler: He can't be serious JR!

Jim Ross: It takes a lot of guts to go out there and throw your body in the ring... That kid might not have the frame or the looks, but he has got the passion!

The crowd barely reacted, mostly chuckles from the geeky, skinny kid before them.

Francis Kipland Stevens III: That's why I am out here tonight... To call out ANYONE in the back to wrestle me for their KOTR spot! I don't care if it is Kurt Angle, I don't care if it is Zack Ryder! It could even be Brodus Clay! Whom I'd be able to beat in a dance contest! So Come on out and face me!

Francis tapped on her suspenders and the crowd cracked up. No music, no theme, no warning... A tall, tanned man with a bold expression on his face. Hair brushed back, red and black VENUM MMA shorts, red full contact MMA gloves, ankled al bandaged up.

Jerry Lawler: It's Alberto del Rio!

Jim Ross: Apparently his challenge was accepted and we'll see this unusual prospect fighting for a spot at King of the Ring!

Alberto walked up the steps and snatched the microphone from Lilian Garcia's hand.

Alberto del Rio: Gringo de mierda... Do you think this is a joke?

Francis Kipland Stevens III: No sir Mr. Alberto del Rio, I really want to be in King of the Ring... Its my dream to entertain the fans and..

A thud of the mic against the floor signaled, Alberto had heard enough... He came in with a straight Jab across the nerdy kid, who stumbled down slowly to the mat.

Jim Ross: BAH GAWD KANG!!!! What a shot! What a vicious shot from Alberto del Rio.

The thick framed glasses laid on the mat as Alberto Stepped on them before mounting the geeky kid and hitting right and left jabs at his face... The spotless white shirt soon had a shade of red on it, as blood trickled down Francis Kipland Steven III's mouth. Adding insult to Injury, Alberto grabbed Francis and locked his deadly cross armbreaker. No matter how hard and fast Francis tapped out against the mat, Alberto's grip became anything but looser on his limb. Laying out cold, Alberto kicked him out of the ring through the bottom rope and reclaimed the microphone he had just dropped, dusting it off.

Alberto del Rio: Everyone here thinks this is a joke... Gringos de mierda creen que somos payasos que venimos aqui a entretener sus culos gordos! (Shitty gringos you think we're clowns that come here to entertain your fat asses)

Alberto shook his head.

Alberto del Rio: Pero se equivocan! Yo vengo aqui a competir! I come out here to compete! To show I am the best out there, to prove that I am a boulder that would not be move by pitiful sentiments like compassion... I am a man of honor, and a such I will give every opponent that stands in my way a proper burial, with my bare hands... Like I did with my previous opponent... Like I just did with this teeny tiny little gringo... And like I am going to do with my opponents in this tournament... I will take out each and everyone of them! I am not going to stop my offense until their lights are out, or until they're pleading for their lifes...

Alberto circled the ring as EBWF ringside personel checked on Francis.

Alberto del Rio: I am here to send a message to all of the clowns in the back, a todos los payasos de atrás! Every single clown who had spend time out here making you laugh and enjoy yourselves... Every single idiot who comes out here to dance, to pull out idiot catchphrases or tell stupid jokes! Pray to whatever is it that you pray so that your paths don't cross mine... Because I will take out anything and everything on my path! No saben en lo que se estan metiendo... When you get in the ring with me, none of you know what you're really getting into, and I pity you... It is not your fault to be dumb... Gringos ignorantes! But being the merciful man that I am... I want you to know beforehand what I am really about!

Alberto turned his attention towards the camera guy.

Alberto del Rio: You! Shoot that kid I just beat up...

Alberto would brefly pause as the Camera man shot Francis while he was being attended. The images displaying on the EBWFtron

Alberto del Rio: No se metan conmigo! Stay out of my way! Because there is nothing that will interfere between me and this King of the Ring Tournament cabrones!  Tonight I will be fighting Brodus Clay... Escuchame bien gordo mugroso! Tu nunca podrás comparar tu fuerza, tu abilidad, ni tu agilidad con las mías! Como te habrás enterado, yo gozo de amigos con poder, con influencias... Que han potenciado todos mis talentos naturales, haciendome imparable! (Listen to me you filthy fat! You could never compare your strength, ability and agility to mine! As you might know by now, I have friends with power, with influences... Which have boosted up all my skills beyond any known limit, thus making me unstoppable!)

Realeza suddenly hit over the PA System and Alberto's eyes went wide, he leaned against the ropes and awaited for someone to come out, who dared used that music?

Jerry Lawler: What? JR, that's his old music!

Jim Ross: And his old friend too...

Out walked Ricardo Rodriguez, his former personal ring announcer. Ricardo's greasy hair combed back as he was dressed on a black tuxedo. Ricardo had his hands full with a briefcase on his left, and a microphone on his right... Alberto taunted him to come to the ring... Ricardo smiled.

Ricardo Rodriguez: Imparable? Indestructible? Alberto, he venido a decirte que yo no lo creo tan asi! (Unstoppable? Indestructible? Alberto, I've come out here to tell you I disagree!)

Alberto del Rio: Cómo te atreves mendigo miserable! (How dare you insolent fool!)

Alberto gripped his hands against the ropes tightly.

Ricardo Rodriguez: Por un tiempo pensé que eras realmente imparable... (For a moment I really thought you were really unstoppable!).

Alberto del Rio: I am truly unstoppable!!!

Ricardo Rodriguez: Si? Quisiera ver como te enfrentas con esto! (Is that so? I'd like to see you facing this!)

Ricardo raised the suitcase for Alberto and the World to see... Alberto's eyes opened even wider.

Alberto del Rio: Is that...?

Ricardo Rodriguez: Porque no vienes y lo averiguas? (Why don't you come over and find out?)

Alberto ejected himself over the top rope and down to the ring, rushing towards Ricardo, who fled to the back.

Jim Ross: What the hell is going on King?

Jerry Lawler: I'd like to know the same thing right now!

Ricardo disappeared through the curtain with Alberto behind him as the scene faded to black.