The scene opened up in the middle of the ring, where a red velvet carpet was extended all over the canvas. The usual ropes were replaced with golden ropes and golden balloons floated over the ring. Ricardo Rodriguez walked down the ramp with a microphone on his hand... The crowd erupted in boos as the personal announcer walked into the ring, pulling the microphone closer to his hand, as he began speaking "Realeza" hit over the PA system.
A white Rolls Royce phantom coupe drove by the ramp with the horn honking. Out came the mexican aristocrat in a chalk colored suit with a white tie and a white scarf over his shoulders. Alberto walked up the ramp and spread his arms as sparks flew behind him, the boos got louder and Alberto smirked. He continued walking down and stopped past a girl holding a John Morrison sign. He pointed at it and chuckled out loud... Pointing at it and laughing. The girl flaunted the sign right in front of his face, Alberto reached for his shirt and pulled out a pocket pen, scribbling an autograph over the sign and winking at the fan girl... He continued his way down the ramp and into the ring, snatching the microphone from his announcer.
Alberto del Rio: MY NAME IS ALBERTO DEL RIO!!!!! And I just want to say I forgive all of you people... I forgive you for not having manners and not properly showing the respect I deserve! Is this the reception I get after months of absence!
Ricardo was quick to move over towards the mic.
Ricardo Rodriguez: Señor! Yo le organicé esta bienvenida! (Sir! I pulled together this welcoming!)
Alberto del Rio: Callate, Ricardo! (Shut up, Ricardo!).
Ricardo pouted.
Alberto del Rio: Ricardo, you are not the problem... You are Mexican! You know me! You know I am a God, walking amongst peasants! The problem here is people in Canada are all over filthy role models, simplones asquerosos (disgusting simpletons)... Bret Hart? Chris Jericho? Christian? Trish Stratus? This is why Canada has never done ANYTHING!
The crowd booed.
Alberto del Rio: You see, I was expecting a triumphant return night! A night where everything revolved around me! A night where I got an interview from some of these gringo good for nothing announcers, a night where I got a title match for my return... But NO, NO, NO! All I get is a Stupid match against John Morrison!
Ricardo Rodriguez moved into the mic and laughed.
Alberto ignored his announcer and went on.
Alberto del Rio: John Morrison... Is that the opponent I deserve for tonight? A man who hasn't been around a month in here? A man who hasn't won a match? Where is Randy Orton? Where is Chris Jericho! Is that really the best opponent Wes has for me?
He shrugged.
Alberto del Rio: I can't do everything around here. I have to win my matches, I have to train my illustrious physique every day, I have to pay for my mansion, my cars, get my tailored suits... I can't announce myself so I brought my friend Ricardo along to do it...
Alberto smirked.
Alberto del Rio: I guess the only way out of this hole I am in is to hire someone to do my public imaging, my talent relations and use some negotiating skills to give me the spot I deserve...
He shrugged.
Alberto del Rio: You see when you want things done well... You hire someone and paid a load of cash to do the work for you!
He winked into the camera and smiled.
Alberto del Rio: Now, I could hire someone to beat the hell out of John Morrison and his fake ass fur coat... But I take quite some pleasure on beating up lowlife, common peasants like Morrison! Out of some sense of altruism I feel like I have the need to remind all these common people that they ARE. BENEATH. ME!
The crowd booed, Alberto's smirk faded from his face.
Alberto del Rio: Newcomers, unaccomplished gringos mugrosos are used as stepping stones by other gringos mugrosos who think they deserve to be at the top of the ladder...
Alberto smirked.
Alberto del Rio: Stepping stones! Go figure... As if I would EVER step on filthy, loser gringos with my custom made wrestling boots. John Morrison, as well as the rest of the EBWF new guys aren't even worth being called stepping stones! They are nothing more than peasants! Lowlifes! BASURA! (Scum!).
Alberto leaned against the ropes.
Alberto del Rio: So if you are a newcomer like John Morrison, you would be better off watching tonight's match, because what will happen to John Morrison could happen to you if you have the misfortune of having a match with me! Tonight the match will not stop after the bell sounds, it won't stop even if a Disqualification occurs! The only way I will put my guard down is after I feel John Morrison's arm SNAP! Morrison will be the first of many... I will break these little putos' (f*ckers) arms... ONE... BY... ONE... And there is not a damn thing you can do about it!
He smirked a little and winked into the camera as the scene faded to black.